Show Historical data & connect external sources
Real Time queries
With RTQ you get real time historical data and you can compare different timeframes and external data sources to each other.
You can highlight and detect patterns, but also make decisions based on previous data. Enhance this data with schedules, forcasts, sales numbers, Google Analytics Events and more.
Real Time
Workforce M.
External data
historical data
Predict what is happening with data from previous dates.
historical datA
real time
No more waiting a day to see your data, Get it when available. Now in real time.
Combine or run separately
RTQ can be added to RTS as a combination or can be implemented on it’s own.
Real time Queries
Your data available to work with

Intra data
Historical data show for example 9:00, 9:15 and 9:30.

All Timeframes
Set your own timeframes to compare your data.

Display schedules, forcasts, realtime adherence & more.
Easily Compare data
Tab, zoom & decide what to show
Predefined which data you want to compare, the decide what and when you want to compare that data to each other. Giving you the clarity you want.
See correlations
Easily show & hide data
Pinch to change timeframes

Intergrate all your key data
A complete overview of your contact center

RTQ implemented
in RTS example
Enhance widgets with historical data to give you more insights into trends.
Display day process
Show best or lowest moments
Compare dates & data
Endless opportunities

RTQ standalone app example
Enhance widgets with historical data to give you more insights into trends.
Display day process
Show best or lowest moments
Compare dates & data
Endless opportunities
Looking for a specific intergration?
Contact us to see if it possible!

Browser based
RTQ is fully browser based. Leaves NO footprint. It supports all browsers.

manage traffic
With RTQ it is easy to manage all your traffic. Easy for the manager, supervisor and agents.

Future proof
RTQ is built with the latest tools. It is fully HTML 5.

Api: build your own
With the API from Prime Contact it is easy to build your own web page.

You can run RTQ on one, two or multiple systems. It also supports High Availability.

big data
With RTQ it has become even easy to manage big data.