About the team behind RTS

Changing the contact center world

RTS & RTQ has been developed by Prime Contact! a group of four specialists in the field of automating client contact processes. Each member has gain his experience in contact centers for companies & organisations from an in depended role. Creating Genesys technology based solutions.

Personal information on the right >
Frank Cappelle
Managing Director

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Peter Vledder
Sr. principle consultant

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Han Klaver

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Kaspar Knikkink
Sr. principle consultant

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Our vision & mission

Evolutionizing the contact center age

Making that difference turning data into easy to understand & usable knowledge. Giving freedom to managers & supervisors in using this data to do there job as optimal possible. Learning from our clients & own experience, we’re continuously building solutions that move data driven decision making a step forward.

Discover were we work

And send us a message to explain your situation and see how RTS & RTQ can let your contact center move forward.